Sunday, March 9, 2008

Genetic Engineering

In our modern society, science has become the main tool in addressing the problems of the world. Science is being used to stop global warming, develop special plants to feed third world countries, and it is being used in the prevention and treatment of diseases. However, questions arise when science is used in the manipulation of human chromosomes to develop the ideal child, following a grocery list of desirable traits. As valuable as this genetic engineering is in avoiding certain genetic disorders, a line of morality is crossed when alterations are made in gene codes that will influence character traits and other pieces of individuality.

For parents of children with genetic disorders such as cystic fibrosis or Downs syndrome, genetic engineering could mean the end to their child's suffering, or even preventing that suffering. All that these parents ask for is the use of gene therapy to see if their children or potential children can be rid of the disorders that have affected, or may affect them, them from birth. the predisposition for cancer can also be eliminated through the use of genetics, saving daughters the possible inheritance of a breast cancer gene. when used in the name of medicine, genetic engineering is a very valuable tool, because it can prevent issues during recombination of the cells of the embryo, or the duplication of genes on specific chromosomes. With this technology, parents would no longer have to worry about these types of lifelong genetic ailments and it would save them the emotional pain of watching their child struggle through a life of medical issues. For example, in Brave New World, certain diseases are prevented through the early insertion of good gene sequences to avoid the occurrence of genetic disorders. It is through genetics that the genetic diseases that we know of today could be eliminated, and the ailments that we experienced would simply be bacterial ones such as the common cold or the flu.

It is when parents who ask geneticists to design an embryo for them that has all the traits that they request that things get difficult. The coding for a child with the desired traits, such as blond hair and blue eyes, with an athletic build and an outgoing personality, removes the connection between parent and child. These traits, if being requested, are probably not traits that the "parents" have themselves. There will be no saying "Oh my goodness, you do have your mother's eyes don't you?" or "You are just as stubborn as your father." This elimination of inherited connection leaves the parents with something more to be desired. As perfect as the child may be in their eyes, in a sense it is not truly their own child, it is more like an adoption of some other person's child. And what happens when the geneticists mess up, and the child that results is not what the parents ordered? Do they send it back? Where could they send it back to? It leaves a child without a home, and without true parents because it is not what its parental programmers requested. Also, if we think that right now there are major bragging competitions between parents about their children, imagine what will happen when everyone is trying to one-up everyone else by designing the best child. Then where is the individuality and naturalness of that child. They're not even a product of their parent's genetics at that point, and they have no real point in being created other than to be used as a tool for social status. Parents can say "I made my daughter/son just like this so that they would be the best baseball player since Babe Ruth." Where is the morality in that, is what I ask.

As a society, if we are to utilize the science of genetic engineering, we must place some controls on the industry. The use in medical technology is acceptable if it is simply preventing potentially harmful or life threatening disorders, because it allows the child to live a well-rounded, healthy life. The use of genetics to program a child is a major problem though, because it allows for parents to pick and choose traits and create a child that is unnatural, superb in certain areas, and apparently free from flaw. The creation of a race of "perfect" children could be on the horizon if genetic engineering is not controlled, and the abuse of that technology is very likely. Parents should be able to take the child that they receive naturally, and be completely happy with that child because it is designed just the way nature intended it to be characteristically.

I am sorry that my post is late, my electric was going on and off all yesterday afternoon and evening because of the wind, and my parents didn't want the computer to have a power surge happen. I think I could venture to say they're a bit paranoid about the computer being french-fried....